Our Policies

Our Policies

Policies, Registration Forms and Other Downloads

At Hart Plain Church Preschool we have provided an extensive list of downloads which feature our policies, registration forms, and preschool publications that are available to view. All materials are copyrighted by Hart Plain Church Preschool or their respective producers of such. No documents may be copied, duplicated or used elsewhere without our prior written consent and approval.

We ask parents and carers to read our Policies and Procedures. These documents can help guide you further on the running of the setting, how we conduct emergency procedures, and cover matters relating to your childs welfare and protection.

Policies & Documents

Our registration form and application for children ages 3 to 5 years.

Childcare Registration Form for children starting at Hart Plain Church Preschool. This is a confidential document, and must be returned prior to your child starting.

For children who have additional or special needs.

Most schools do provide a SEND Policy (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities). Our policy shows what we can offer to families with children who have additional or special needs. Children who have special needs may be identified in different ways. This may have been brought to our attention because of liaison with a previous setting (if applicable), or a child is performing below age expected levels. A parent may have raised concerns, or a key carer, external agency or health diagnosis from a qualified person, may have brought this to our attention. At our preschool we have a policy in place to help your child get the most from their time at our preschool.

Safeguarding and Welfare Requirement: Child Protection.

Our setting will work with children, parents and the community to ensure the rights and safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults. Our safeguarding policy is based on the three key commitments of the Pre-school Learning Alliance Safeguarding Children Policy.

Prescribed Medicines Registration Form.

For children requiring prescription medicines whilst at preschool.

We provide daycare in Cowplain and Waterlooville
  • We are committed to ensuring that your children make good progress;
  • We engage with families, which is an integral part of their children's achievements and future progress;
  • Children are encouraged to try things by themselves which promotes confidence and independence.
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